The Gospel of John Sabbath School Study Week 2

This week there are three main stories and then a powerful short sermon written by John.  The first story is Jesus turning the water into wine.  The second is Jesus clearing the temple and the third story was Nicodemus visiting Jesus.  This passage ends with a sermon from John. I found three chapters in the Desire of Ages a beautiful companion to this weeks readings.  I challenge you to read them.  “At the Marriage Feast”,  “In His Temple”, and “Nicodemus”. 

1. Chapter 2:1-12   Mary tells the servants to “Do whatever he tells you.” This included filling vessels with water and then filling the glass of the master of the banquet… their master.  I’m sure giving him water would have been a risky thing to do.  Yet they did just what he asked and then were the only ones privy to the miracle.  Their master didn’t even know and they didn’t tell.  Here the least of these were the ones who saw His glory and not only that, they were a part of the miracle. 

  • What is God asking of you?   
  • What is the risk or what is the possible gain or benefit? 

2. Chapter 2:13-25 Jesus was not just angry that the temple had been turned into a market place.  He publicly calls out the dove salesmen because the doves were specifically for the poor who couldn’t afford to sacrifice a lamb or a cow.  In essence they were making it even more difficult for the poor to come to God.  This angered him!

  • Is there anything we are doing that keeps the disenfranchised from coming to God?  Have we in anyway done anything to make it more difficult for all to come to Him.

3. Chapter 3:1-15 

  • How was Nicodemus different from John the Baptist?
  • Have you ever tried to have a ministry or wished to have a ministry like someone else, instead of hearing or experiencing the calling God has for you? If so when/ or how? 
  • Would you be willing to quietly work behind the scene until your time and then be willing to give it all up for him? 
  • Or would you be willing to boldly be weird for Him if that was your calling? 

4. Chapter 3:16-36 

  • Rewrite John 3:16-21 inserting your name everywhere it says world, writing it as a personal statement to you.  (Example: For God so loves you Beth, that he gave his one and only son, that if you Beth will believe in him….)
