The Gospel of John Sabbath School Study Week 5

The Gospel of John
Sabbath School Study Week 5
Chapter 7-8

Chapter 7
        The festival was a time where the people of God looked back and celebrated all that he had done for them.  All the many miracles he had performed to bring them out of the wilderness.  They celebrated the water flowing from the rock, the food he provided, the protection by parting the red sea and on and on. 
  • If you were to celebrate the festival, looking back how has God blessed you? 
  • What dessert has he brought you out of?

The Pharisees and the priests also focused on the coming Messiah.  It was part of their study, their sermons.  It was part of their culture.  They looked back and they looked forward and yet they were blind to Christ right in front of them.
·         Have you been focusing too much on what Christ has done in the past, or what he will do in the future to miss him in the present?
·         What can we do to make sure we see him NOW?  TODAY?

Chapter 8
            This is one of my favorite stories!  The woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus.  We see here that it was more about trapping Jesus than even bringing due punishment on her. 
  • How often in our “punishment” of others are we concerned with the purification of the church, or making sure we look right as an organization, instead of thinking about the individual?
  • Am I comfortable in my “truth”?  Do I hide behind other peoples sin in hopes that I don’t have to face my own?
  • What is Jesus writing in the sand for me? 

When Jesus said to the woman, “Go and sin no more.” Who was there?  This was a moment between just her and her Savior! 
  • What is Jesus saying to you in your quiet time? 
  • Are you giving him time?  Time that is just for you two of you?

For the rest of these books, please write down any comments, or any Ah ha moments that you have while reading to share with the class. 
