Sabbath School Class Week 16

Sabbath School Class Week 16

Introduction:  Joy.  When we started this study 16 weeks ago we hoped this book would help us discover a definition of Joy.  We hoped to better understand Joy and to better know how to live a life of JOY.  So how has it been for you?  This week we are going to start the process of reflecting on the book of Philippians and next week we will wrap it up.  This week is going to be full of questions.  Please look back, reflect, and find your personal testimony.  
This week in class I would like for us to just look back, share experiences and encourage each other to keep daily seeking JOY.

I want us to spend the majority of our time on the INGREDIENTS and ACTIONS.  So I have listed them below.

INGREDIENT # 1  An acceptance of the gift of "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"
ACTION:  We all know we have these gifts readily available for us, but somehow in the craziness of life we forget.  So this week write on your computer screen saver scriptures about grace and peace.  Find a peaceful picture with the words peace and grace.  Or memorize a scripture about grace and peace.  Do everything and anything you can think of to keep it the for front of your mind.  You have been given Grace and Peace.

INGREDIENT # 2  Prayer and Thanksgiving (with JOY) for others.
ACTION: It is in the simple act of praying for people in our lives, praising God for them, thanking him for them, that we will start to find real joy. 

INGREDIENT # 3 Know what is most important!
ACTION: This week write down what is most important to you.  The top three things. Keep these things to what you have control over or things that are personal to you.  For example:  Of course, I want my three children to have a saving love relationship with Jesus Christ.  But though I can pray for them, I can’t choose it for them.  So That is off the list.  What are the top three things in your life, that you are in control of or in charge of.  Each day pray about these three things. 
INGREDIENT  #4  Be an “I got your back” person and find an “I got your back” Person.
  1. Write down 5 people in your life that you know are “I Got your back” kind of people. (If you don’t have any or can’t fill in five spaces, then spend time this week listing or reflecting on times in your life when people really showed up to help.  When people really had your back. 
  2. Write down 4 people in your life that you know, “You Got their back”
  3. Write down 1 person that you think God is calling you to be there for that you may not be as excited about or that you have felt impressed to help but have not yet done anything about. Pray about this name a lot and then take steps toward making them a permanent part of this list.
INGREDIENT # 5 Christ First! 
ACTION:  Go to Christ First Start each day with Christ!  If you can’t say yes to the questions in verse 1 then stop.  Stop and pray over those questions.   Ask God to show you when and how you have received them in the past, in the present, or ask him to please gift you those things.  Jesus is longing to give you that and so much more.  Beg him, earnestly ask Him and you shall receive! Stop trying to do it all yourself, stop trying to give before you have accepted HIM!  Let Him be for you FIRST!

INGREDIENT # 6  Be “ANY+” centric
  1. This week as you come upon areas in your life that you are struggling with, write down any and all “ANY+” that you can find.     
  2. Anytime you find yourself being “ANY-“  stop and reverse it to a positive.
  3. Make a point to do it everyday!  For every challenge,  for every success,  keep being,  keep practicing, being “ANY+ Centric”
INGREDIENT # 7  Be one (UNITY with others)
Look at the list below.  This week write out what these mean and how you can strive to be...  For example, in your marriage, how can you strive to be more like minded, have the same love.... value your husband more than yourself?  As you work with people in the church how can you be selfless with no self ambition.  What would that look like.  This week as you face challenges in relationships at home, work, or church, apply this list. 

  • Be like minded______________________________________________________________
  • Have the same love__________________________________________________________
  • Being on in spirit_____________________________________________________________
  • Being of one mind____________________________________________________________
  • Be selfless, no selfish ambition or vanity____________________________________________
  • Value others more than self_____________________________________________________
  • Keep the interest of others first___________________________________________________
INGREDIENT # 8  Don’t strive for greatness, strive for Humility
ACTION: This week, find ways to serve others.  Do random acts of kindness, find people who need your help, pray about how God wants you to be a servant.  Each day ask how.  Each day look for ways to serve others.  Remember this is one of the ingredients for Joy.  There is know Joy in needing to be greater, there is great joy in service. 

INGREDIENT  # 9 Be willing to get Messy
ACTION:  Don't worry about how you look, how you are being seen, what others are saying.  ONLY think about what God is calling you to do.  This week I dare you to get messy.  Share with us your stories! :) 

INGREDIENT  # 10 Let God be your reward! 
ACTION:  This week turn your need for affirmation, your need for being exalted over to God.  Every time you find yourself needing to hear a compliment, or every you find yourself doing something so you will be praised, turn it over to God and ask Him to be  enough. 

INGREDIENT # 11 Keep moving forward in our walk with Christ.
ACTION: list the times you have had a mountain top spiritual experience.  Note one thing you learned during each time and then contemplate how well you have incorporated it into you life.  Make a note of what you can do to KEEP MOVING FORWARD
INGREDIENT #12  Keep your focus on what God is wanting to accomplish in your life. 
ACTION: Stop it!  Every time you start to grumble Stop it!!!!!!!! Instead give a word of praise or thanksgiving!

INGREDIENT # 13  SHINE! Be a Star for God! Be a HERO! 
This world needs champions who are willing to be different to love radically to not grumble and complain.  How many times do we complain just because it is what everyone is doing!!!!!  Stop!  Not just so you will have more joy but Stop because Jesus needs heroes who will stop grumbling and arguing and be a much needed light in this world of darkness!!!!!

ACTION: Stop it!  Every time you start to grumble Stop it!!!!!!!! Instead give a word of praise or thanksgiving!

INGREDIENT #14 Show Genuine Concern for One Another
ACTION:  1. This week each day find someone that you can show genuine concern for.  2. Each day write down a name of someone who has shown genuine concern for you. (this can be current or in the past)

INGREDIENT # 15 Honor people who are working hard for the Lord.
ACTION:  This week write down a name of someone you have seen working hard for the Lord.  Someone you would like to honor.  On Sabbath share your name or names with each other.  Discuss how to honor those individuals. 

INGREDIENT #16 - Keep our focus on Christ and Others

ACTION:  Perhaps to experience joy we need a new pare of glasses.  Glasses to look at our world through, glasses to better see with.  These glasses are glasses that only see first Christ and second others.  So this week.... all week... let us only see Jesus and others.  Stop looking at self, and see those around you.  When you start to get angry with the kids, or the spouse, stop and 1. See Jesus (maybe say a prayer, maybe ask him to show you how he sees them, and then 2. REALLY see them.  Feel empathy,  see them... really see them.  3. Serve them and praise God while you are doing it.  

INGREDIENT #17 Seek Jesus
ACTION:  Jesus said that he came so that we would know his father.  This week incorporate at least one scripture or one passage about Jesus.  Not just scripture but scripture about Jesus.  Seek Him

INGREDIENT #18 Forget what is behind and strain for what is ahead!
ACTION:  This week write down  using scripture a list of who you are in Christ.  Example:  2 Cor. 5:17... NEW CREATION  Isaiah 43:1 I AM HIS  Write it out on a card take a picture of it and make it your phone background or write it on your mirror, keep it posted in your car, saturate your life with the texts about who you are in Christ. ALSO find a bible verse about heaven and memorize it! 

ACTION:  FIND training buddies.

ACTION:  Write out and bring to class a training program.  A "couch to 1/2 marathon" training program.  If we are focused on the goal living with Jesus in mind, what should our lives be filled with?

To write this plan, go back over the ingredients for Joy.  Find promises, and talk with each other.  What will this action plan, this training program look like? I can't wait to see what you come up with!

ACTION:  Do your best this week to compliment all you come in contact with.  Express your love for those around you. 

INGREDIENT # 22  Iron out your differences!
ACTION:  If you are still having an issue with someone, do the following...

1. Pray about the situation, ask God to give you a heart of humility and understanding.  Ask him to give you the strength needed to mend...
2. Pray that the Lord will show you all the amazing things about them!
3. Affirm them and let them know you want to make things right and mend.  
4. LISTEN, LISTEN,  be slow to speak, and very slow to anger.

5. If that doesn't work ask for someone to go with you and try again.
ACTION: Don't let a day go by that you aren't rejoicing about something! When you find something to rejoice about, then look for something else!  Don't stop.  Find it!  EXCLAIM it!  SING it!

ACTION:  Pray for the miracle of his peace all the while doing your part.  
1. Praise and express love to each other.
2. Mend relationships
3. Rejoice and again Rejoice
4. Show gentleness to everyone
5. Remember that God is near!
6. Stop worrying
7. Make your requests known to God

ACTION:  Do the hard work of being family.  Love each other, forgive each other, accept each other, support each other, affirm one another,  see the similarities in each other and appreciate the differences. Celebrate together, mourn together, eat together, play together, and serve together. 

INGREDIENT # 26 WHATSOEVER... if there is any good... THINK ON THESE THINGS!
ACTION:  Use the "whatsoever" with each other, yourself, and your family.  Challenge each other with the whatsoever concept.  Keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Keep our thoughts on HIM!!!! Keep our thoughts on all that is good and we will not go astray!

ACTION:  Go back through this blog and list all of our Actions.  What are they and have you been doing them.  Have you been practicing the actions.
INGREDIENT # 28 Whatever the Circumstances be Content
ACTION:  Every time you start to complain about your circumstances.... sing (either out loud or in your head)... "To God be the Glory great things He has done, so loved He the world that He gave us His son."  or some other song that reminds you of his great power, his plan for you! 

INGREDIENT #29 Be Balanced in Giving and Receiving!
ACTION:  NO MATTER HOW CRAZY YOUR WEEK... find someone to help this week.  Go along side them and support them!  If help is extended to you...accept it! 

ACTION:  This week don't do for others so you feel better!  Don't give and give without thought for balance.  Don't sit back and need and need without letting someone know of your need....  
This week!  BE HIS HANDS by 
1. Go to God in prayer and ask for him to help give you the wisdom to serve others.
2.  Ask God for direction in who and how you can be apart of his team.
3. Ask for him to give you the strength to do what he asks! 

INGREDIENT# 31  Give Credit to God!
ACTION:  Practice daily giving him credit for your moments of Joy, moments of peace, moments where you saw God working in your life!

INGREDIENT # 32  Greet each other!
ACTION:  I want to challenge you to greet the people around you.  Say hello to strangers, say hello to your children, say hello and greet your coworkers.  See what warmly greeting those around you will do, for you and for them.  Challenge, if you have never greeted at our church, volunteer even if it is just for one Sabbath! Greet each other!

INGREDIENT # 33 Experience God's Grace!!!!
ACTION:  As we close the book of Philippians, I want to challenge you this week to keep your focus on the Grace of God!  Find scripture that talks about His grace and write them on post it notes and put them everywhere.  Sing songs about grace!  Memorize some of the scriptures you find.  Ask Him for his Grace, thank Him for His grace, and then share His grace! 


If you had to organize this list into categories could you get it down to 3?  What 3 reoccurring themes do you see? 

What would those categories be?  




Let's discuss a new definition of JOY that includes these three categories.  
