Sabbath School Class Week 6

Sabbath School Class week 6

Introduction:  I have had terrible reception at every location where I have been staying this week so I'm hoping to post just enough for you to run with the study this week.  We are continuing in Hebrews 3:2 - 6.

The author is writing to a group who look to Moses as the ultimate. He is who led them out of captivity. He is the one who gave them the foundation, the rules that were the foundation for the structure in which they were now wanting to return to. Moses was it!  So here the author is showing how Jesus, Jesus is so much more!

1.  Do we ever put great leaders or prophets above Jesus?
2.  How should we make sure that we still see Jesus?
3.  What about great preacher or evangelists?  Do we ever give them such high regard that we rely on there word instead of Jesus?
4.  What does it say in this passage about Moses?
5.  Is he good? Was he faithful?  Was he rightly a focus of the Jews?

There is no question in my mind that the great prophets and the amazing contemporary ministers of our day are tools that The Lord uses for us to better know HIM!  The question is do we ever become so ennamored with these messengers that we fail to see the one who is sending the message?
