Isaiah - Hope


Question of the Day: Brace yourself... This question is deep.... What is your favorite ice cream flavor and how do you like it? (Cup, Cone, Sandwich etc.)

READ: Isaiah 3 and Isaiah 4:1

Judgment on Jerusalem and Judah

See now, the Lord,
    the Lord Almighty,
is about to take from Jerusalem and Judah
    both supply and support:
all supplies of food and all supplies of water,
    the hero and the warrior,
the judge and the prophet,
    the diviner and the elder,
the captain of fifty and the man of rank,
    the counselor, skilled craftsman and clever enchanter.

“I will make mere youths their officials;
    children will rule over them.”

People will oppress each other—
    man against man, neighbor against neighbor.
The young will rise up against the old,
    the nobody against the honored.

A man will seize one of his brothers
    in his father’s house, and say,
“You have a cloak, you be our leader;
    take charge of this heap of ruins!”
But in that day he will cry out,
    “I have no remedy.
I have no food or clothing in my house;
    do not make me the leader of the people.”

Jerusalem staggers,
    Judah is falling;
their words and deeds are against the Lord,
    defying his glorious presence.
The look on their faces testifies against them;
    they parade their sin like Sodom;
    they do not hide it.
Woe to them!
    They have brought disaster upon themselves.

10 Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
    for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
11 Woe to the wicked!
    Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
    for what their hands have done.

12 Youths oppress my people,
    women rule over them.
My people, your guides lead you astray;
    they turn you from the path.

13 The Lord takes his place in court;
    he rises to judge the people.
14 The Lord enters into judgment
    against the elders and leaders of his people:
“It is you who have ruined my vineyard;
    the plunder from the poor is in your houses.
15 What do you mean by crushing my people
    and grinding the faces of the poor?”
declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.

16 The Lord says,
    “The women of Zion are haughty,
walking along with outstretched necks,
    flirting with their eyes,
strutting along with swaying hips,
    with ornaments jingling on their ankles.
17 Therefore the Lord will bring sores on the heads of the women of Zion;
    the Lord will make their scalps bald.”

18 In that day the Lord will snatch away their finery: the bangles and headbands and crescent necklaces, 19 the earrings and bracelets and veils, 20 the headdresses and anklets and sashes, the perfume bottles and charms, 21 the signet rings and nose rings, 22 the fine robes and the capes and cloaks, the purses 23 and mirrors, and the linen garments and tiaras and shawls.

24 Instead of fragrance there will be a stench;
    instead of a sash, a rope;
instead of well-dressed hair, baldness;
    instead of fine clothing, sackcloth;
    instead of beauty, branding.
25 Your men will fall by the sword,
    your warriors in battle.
26 The gates of Zion will lament and mourn;
    destitute, she will sit on the ground.

4:1 In that day seven women
    will take hold of one man
and say, “We will eat our own food
    and provide our own clothes;
only let us be called by your name.
    Take away our disgrace!”

From the very beginning of this passage we see what it is about.  

1. God is going to take away supply and support.

  • Water
  • food
  • Leadership
Why leadership? 

Verses 6 and 7
    Nobody wants to be in leadership.  Why? 

Lack of leadership is part of their problem! We know it is needed.  After all water and food is also "taken" and we know how vital those are.  
But God is also taking away the leadership they have. Taking it away, because they are such a mess. 

Then in verse 10.  
A beautiful moment of hope.  

There is no question that works plays a part of our walk with God.  Obedience.  Living according to His will.  It IS important.  It ISN'T what gets you salvation.  It is however what leads to a life of many beautiful things right here and now.  

The righteous don't need to worry!  
There will be fruits.
What are the fruits of the righteous? 
(Maybe the fruits of the spirit?)

Verse 11
Then immediately this passage of hope is contrasted by the passage of what happens to the wicked.   
There are also fruits of wickedness.  

Verse 12-15
As leadership we need to humbly and with a contrite heart read this section and ask God to revel to us if there is any of this in us!!!! 
It is one thing to turn from God, it is on a whole other level to lead other along with us as we turn away from God!  
As leaders in His church, as Christians, representing, what an awesome responsibility we have! The responsibility is not about the leadership as much as it is about being willing to do the work, the heart work, the hard inner work! To be willing to let him change our lives! 

Verse 16- Chapter 4:1

The end of this lesson is perhaps the most misunderstood or miss used passage.  I will just say this.  If you think this passage is not for you gentlemen, think again.  If you think this passage is about jewelry, think again!
What is it about?
Here are some clues.

Haughty : arrogantly superior and disdainful.

God taking away the jewelry... He also takes away the mirror and hair, and clothes, he strips them! 

What does God need to take away, to get rid of your haughtiness? 

The danger is if we see this as a jewelry passage, is that we can take off our jewelry and still be arrogant and superior in our simplicity.

I couldn't help but think about that mirror and how much we in this day and age glorify self.  

I am going to leave it there.  

Here are some last personal questions for you to think about.

1. Am I willing to follow God. To do His will and to walk in His ways?
2. Am I leading where he would have me lead?
3. Is there any haughtiness in me?
4. What do I need to let go of, get rid of, stop focusing on?
5. What do I need to confess to God?
