The Gospel of John Sabbath School Study Week 4 Chapter 6

The Gospel of John
Sabbath School Study Week 4
Chapter 6

This week the stories are familiar, ones we have heard over and over.  There is the story of feeding the crowd with five loaves and two fishes, and the story of Jesus walking on water.  Then the chapter wraps up with a sermon by Jesus, you could even say perhaps a rant.  Jesus speaks straight forward.  So is there anything new? Read slowly and constantly ask yourself the question,  “What is this saying to me?” 

Chapter 6: 1-14 The Five Loaves and 2 fishes.
When reading this story there are several things that I found interesting.

1.  Jesus not only took care of the spiritual needs of the people but he also made it a priority to take care of their physical needs.  Maybe having cookies at the kitchen class is a good idea? J 
·         In what way do you need to not only go to Jesus for your spiritual needs but also for your physical needs?

2. Once again Jesus also used the unlikely.  He didn’t call the richest man in town and ask him to help solve the problem, He used the smallest, a child’s lunch.  Over and over Jesus uses the unlikely. 
·         What is he willing to use to transform you and or those around you? 
·         Is there anything that you have been holding back?  Is there something in your life that is small, even forgettable that he needs you to turn over to Him so He can do something big?

3. Jesus produced enough of a miracle to not just feed the people who were there but also had enough left over for those who were not able to come.  The leftovers would be used to feed the poor, or those who were unclean. 
·         What is the surplus he has given you to share… love, grace, food, friendship? 

Chapter 6: 16-24 Walking on the Water
Jesus asked Peter to keep his eyes on Him, and that is when the miracle happened.  Jesus asks us to keep our eyes on him.  Not the storm!  Not the struggle, but him!
·         What storm is going on in your life?  How does it practically look, or what can you do to keep your eyes on Jesus?

Chapter 6: 25-71
In this passage you see how Jesus is frustrated that all the people are wanting is sign after sign.  They aren’t chasing after him because they long to know and understand him, they just want more signs, more miracles. 
·         How many times does Jesus show us his love in marvelous ways for us to just the next day or week complain or need him to show us more?
·         Is it HIM our Savior we are longing to know or is it the things we hope he will do for us?
