The Gospel of John Sabbath School Class Study Week 12

The Gospel of John
Sabbath School Study Week 12
Chapter 18
Chapter 18
1.      In verse 2 it says that Judas knew where they were because this was a place that Jesus and His disciples went to often.   Where do you go to spend time with Jesus?  Where is your most frequented place and where is your most favorite spot ever? 
2.      Why did Jesus and the disciples go to this garden often? 
3.      Is getting away with Jesus a priority in your life?
4.      If Yes…. Explain ___________________________________________________________________________
5.      If No…. What can you adjust or change to help make room for getting away with Jesus possible? ___________________________________________________________________________
In this Chapter Jesus is quick to acknowledge who He is.  In the same chapter Peter denies Jesus three times.  
1.      How have I privately denied Christ?
2.      Have I ever publicly denied Christ?

When given a choice, Jesus or Barabbas.  The crowds said, “give us Barabbas.”  They were choosing to have back in society someone who would hurt them again and who had hurt them in the past. 
Have you ever chosen someone or something over Jesus that you knew was going to hurt you and yet you chose it anyway? 
