JOY Week 1

Sabbath School Study Week 1
Joy in Suffering

            Joy.  It is safe to say all of us would love to say we are filled with joy.  Joy.  What is it?  How is it different from happiness?  Is Joy something we have, something we find or share? Joy.  Perhaps a word we use a lot during the Christmas season and don’t think about the rest of the year.  Joy.  There are many people with opinions about what it is how to achieve it and hold onto it.  We are going to spend the next several weeks studying what is written about Joy in the book of Philippians.  Philippians is the “Book of Joy” It is my hope that we not only read and learn but we put into practice what we learn.  I know that in the pages of this book we are going to find the recipe, a tried and true recipe for JOY.  Each week we will not only have things to read and questions to answer but we will discover ingredients to the recipe for JOY.  So let’s get started.  JOY.

First we need to define Joy.  Or attempt to define Joy as we understand it before this study.  According to Websters definition


noun \ˈjȯi\
: a feeling of great happiness
: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone
: success in doing, finding, or getting something

Full Definition of JOY

1a :  the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires :  delight
b :  the expression or exhibition of such emotion :  gaiety
2:  a state of happiness or felicity :  bliss
3:  a source or cause of delight
joy·less adjective
joy·less·ly adverb
joy·less·ness noun

According to Theopedia, the biblical definition of Joy is

Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope. It is something or someone that provides a source of happiness. It appears 88 times in the Old Testament in 22 books; 57 times in the New Testament in 18 books.^[1]^  

As we study the book of Philippians I would like for us to constantly refer back to the definitions and by the end of our study define Joy.  It may be the same and it may have a new more in-depth definition.  
Chapter 1: 1-2

This is a simple hello, right?  Yes it is but let’s look at it more closely.

1.      What does Paul call him and Timothy?
2.      What does he call the people he is writing to?
3.      What is a servant?
4.      How would you describe God’s Holy People?
Paul is writing to them with great affection and humility.  As leaders for Christ we must always be humble.  There is no place for us His workers to be anything other than servants.
1.      How can we make sure we put ourselves in the place of servant?
2.      What will it look like?  (Think of this in context of what you are already doing.  For example if you are a greeter at our church, how would a greeter serve as a servant, a humble servant?)  (If you are not a greeter in our church and feel called to that position let us know…. We can get you connected and started right away :) __________________________________________

In verse 2 it says ___________________ and _____________________ to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 
I have read this so many times and have given it as much significance as I do when you write Dear Beth in a letter to me.  I never think you are saying, “my dear Beth” you are just opening the letter in a formal way.  Is that all this is, or is there more to it? 

Or could it be that these two incredible gifts could be the foundation to JOY!  Perhaps these gifts that can really only come from _______________________________________and _________________________________, are two of the most important words or ingredients for Joy.  Hmmm.

JOY ingredient #1: An acceptance of the gift of __________________

and ____________________ to you from _________________________

and _____________________________________.

ACTION:  We all know we have these gifts readily available for us, but somehow in the craziness of life we forget.  So this week write on your computer screen saver scriptures about grace and peace.  Find a peaceful picture with the words peace and grace.  Or memorize a scripture about grace and peace.  Do everything and anything you can think of to keep it the for front of your mind.  You have been given Grace and Peace.

Enjoy my contribution to keeping close to your heart all week!

Chapter 1: 3-11

Here Paul is opening with a prayer of thanksgiving for his dear friends.  He praises God for them, he shares how much apart of his life they are.  Paul was in prison and not in the best conditions for sure.  Yet, “I always pray with joy” was how he started. 

JOY:  Ingredient 2:  Prayer and Thanksgiving (with joy) for others.

It is in the simple act of praying for people in our lives, praising God for them, thanking him for them, that we will start to find real joy. 

This week we are going to put this into practice.  You can use Paul’s prayer or use your own.  Here are some guidelines:
1.      Pray for someone you know.
2.      Pray with joy!
3.      Thank God for them.
4.      Pray that they will continue to know the Lord more.
5.      Praise God for the contribution they have made in your life.
6.      Pray that God will be praised!

So day 1 Pray for someone.  Day 2 pray for day 1 person and day 2 person. So you will pray for 2 people on day 2.  and 3 people on day three, and so on all week long.   Below is a chart you can fill out if it will help you remember.

Day 1______________________
Day 2______________________
Day 3______________________
Day 4______________________
Day 5______________________
Day 6______________________
Day 7 _____________________
