Steady my Heart

I just wanted to share with you a song that brought peace and joy to my heart this morning.  What an incredible thought to know that He is the lap we can curl up in whenever we most need it and it is those moments with him that will steady us no matter our circumstances.  EnJOY!


  1. i love this song! often times we look to some other human to calm our anxieties or make all our hurts go away....

    My joy comes from knowing that God is my ultimate “I got your back” person! He gladly, with ease, steadies my heart. Knowing this truth gives me more room in my heart to love and to reach out to others that need love.

    thank you, Beth!

  2. Today there was a lock down at Southern Adventist University. Twitter was all a buzz about what was going on. I was watching hoping to get news, to see if there were any of the kids I love tweeting etc. Then a tweet came in from PUC (Pacific Union College) saying the entire student body was in the chapel praying for SAU. My eyes filled with tears at the thought of that entire University praying for our university. Then there were more. By far my favorite tweet came from Karen who went to Pisgah, is a student at Southern but is currently serving as a student missionary overseas. She said, "Praying for everyone back home at SAU, even from 6000 miles away. God has you guys in the palm of his hand. You think that SWAT team looks intimidating? Just imagine the armies of angels swarming that place right now. Everything's gonna be alright." What a great thought. An army of angels. Does that mean all will be safe.... No. But no matter the situation, no matter the pain, no matter the evil we encounter, we have an entire army surrounding us. Somehow I was comforted a great deal by that. All is well at southern and no one was hurt. However even if there had been huge tragedies We would have the strength to keep going with Him. Today I felt support from all the prayers, I felt a peace because of all the prayers, dare I say a joy? It was a beautiful thing seeing support of many! Let's lift each other up. Let's have each others backs. Let's pray for each other! We don't need to wait for our campus to be swarmed with a SWAT team to band together, let us pray for one another everyday! As we pray.... I bet we start feeling more joy.


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