Suggestions for Studying JOY

As we all get started studying the book of Philippians I would like to make a couple suggestions. 

First:  Each week we will only be looking at a few verses to discuss on Sabbath morning.  Since the reading amount is so short, I would suggest that you read through Philippians as often as you can.  For example. If you have time and can read it through everyday, do!  If you read it though each week, that would be great too.  The process of saturating our minds with this scripture I know will be inspiring and life transforming.  

Second:  Listen to music.
Start using music everyday to add joy to your life.  We have started a collection here on the blog.  If you have suggestions for other music you would like included just email me a you tube link and I will happily add it to our JOY music collection.

Third:  Pray
Don't forget to start each days study time with prayer.  Prayer is a powerful tool that we under utilize.  I want to challenge each of us to make sure we are really taking the time to pray!

 As Christians we know that to serve Christ as we should we will have times of real trials.  Living in this sinful world we will often be overwhelmed with the effects of sin, both in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  Yet I know that in spite of it all, as Christians we have the unique opportunity to have joy, to experience joy and in the midst of the worst times, we can see everything through glasses of joy.   This is my hope and prayer for each of us as we fill our lives with the words in Philippians. 


  1. So, I took your instructions -- I started my music at work -- what was the first song that started playing!

    "Holy is the Lord" by Chris Tomlin

    If you are familiar with the song then you know the song starts out like this:

    "We stand and lift up our hands, for the joy of the Lord is our strength.."

    Wow.. Beth.. I don't need to say anything else.. God is good..JOY!!!!

  2. That is awesome! I added the song to our Songs of Joy! So cool how God works in incredibly huge tiny ways :)


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