The Gospel of John Sabbath School Study Week 15

The Gospel of John
Sabbath School Study Week 15
Chapter 21

Chapter 21:1-14
        I would suggest that you read Desire of Ages chapter 85.  It is a beautiful read about this chapter.  I used it a lot as I prepared for this weeks lesson.  You can read it online if you don’t have the book.

1.      The disciples head out in the boat because Peter suggests they go.  Can you imagine what that night was like?  They were back in their stomping ground.  On the sea of Galilee.  They are fishing but they don’t catch anything.  What do you think the atmosphere was like?  What were the conversations about?
On our 23rd wedding anniversary Chris and I went back to the church where we got married.  I had made the arrangements with the current Pastor.  It is a Methodist church so we went on a Sabbath afternoon.  As we walked into this silent sanctuary we were both surprised by the emotion that welled up in us.  The light streaming through the windows, the long aisle, the pews, even the smells, reminded us of the greatest day ever.  I looked at Chris now with grey temples, and I saw him again as the young groom I had married 23 years earlier.  There was something very powerful about being in the place where we had started this incredible marriage. 
I can only imagine being in the boat on the Sea of Galilee must have been the same for the disciples.  They spent the night reflecting about their time with Jesus their Lord. 

2.      Peter with such eagerness jumps out of the boat and then he is also the one who eagerly runs back into the water to get the fish when Jesus asks them to bring it. Do you think some of his eagerness was needing or feeling the need to make up for the times he had denied Christ or was it just his impulsive nature sending him again out of the boat to meet Jesus?

3.      Then the men sit and have a meal with Jesus that Jesus had made with his own nail scared hands. What a special time for them to always have from then on.  I’m sure fish over a fire always reminded them of that morning.  What is your breakfast experience with Jesus.  Have you ever had a moment a meal a church service or a personal worship that you will never forget? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 21: 15-25
1.      What was the question Jesus asks Peter? 
2.      How many times does he ask it? 
3.      How many times does Peter proclaim his love for Jesus?
4.      What does Jesus ask him to do?
Ellen White writes in the Desire of Ages:
The Saviour's manner of dealing with Peter had a lesson for him and for his brethren. It taught them to meet the transgressor with patience, sympathy, and forgiving love. Although Peter had denied his Lord, the love which Jesus bore him never faltered. Just such love should the undershepherd feel for the sheep and lambs committed to his care. Remembering his own weakness and failure, Peter was to deal with his flock as tenderly as Christ had dealt with him.
The question that Christ had put to Peter was significant. He mentioned only one condition of discipleship and service. "Lovest thou Me?" He said. This is the essential qualification. Though Peter might possess every other, yet without the love of Christ he could not be a faithful shepherd over the Lord's flock. Knowledge, benevolence, eloquence, gratitude, and zeal are all aids in the good work; but without the love of Jesus in the heart, the work of the Christian minister is a failure.
5.      Do you love Jesus?
6.      Do you love Jesus?
7.      Do you love Jesus?
8.      Then are you ready, being filled with his love, to serve those around you? 
9.      Are you ready to feed His sheep?  
10.  What does that mean? 
11.  Who are His sheep? 
12.  What does feeding them mean? 
13.  What is it to feed sheep?
Jesus tells Peter about the end of his life.  Then Peter noticing that John is following asks what will happen to John.  Jesus answers, what does it matter to you? 
In Desire of ages Ellen White writes:
How many today are like Peter! They are interested in the affairs of others, and anxious to know their duty, while they are in danger of neglecting their own. It is our work to look to Christ and follow Him. We shall see mistakes in the lives of others, and defects in their character. Humanity is encompassed with infirmity. But in Christ we shall find perfection. Beholding Him, we shall become transformed.
1.      Do you let your concern for what is going on in other peoples live keep your focus off of what Christ is trying to do in your life?
2.      By beholding Him we will be changed.  How practically do we behold Him?
3.      How do we keep our focus on Him?
