Sabbath School class week 9

Sabbath School Class Week 9

Introduction:  Chosen. Do you remember being chosen to play on teams on the school play ground.  You hoped you were not the last one chosen.  We don't like being left out. We don't like being the default person. We want to be wanted! We can also be chosen for a special position or job.  Everyone loves to be chosen for jobs.  Even if we don't agree to the assignment it is great to be chosen.   There are four important parts of this short chapter.  1. Jesus was chosen to be our Savior.  2.  His humanity helps us to understand and believe his empathy.  3.  He will offer prayers and partitions on our behalf. 4. We must grow up!  

Read chapter 5

1. Does it make a difference that Jesus didn't just appoint himself to be our Savior but it was God who appointed him? 

2.  Read   Verses 7- 10.  What does this section mean to you?  
I can remember a time when our children went across the street to play with their friends and in a matter of minutes they were home and quietly playing together.  I investigated what brought them home so quickly and they informed me that the neighbor boy said that he wouldn't play with one of them.  So they told him that if he wouldn't be nice to their sibling then none of them could play with him.  So they all came home.  Can you imagine the support the rejected sibling must have felt?  Jesus is fighting for us!  He fought for us! He continues to fight for us!  How amazing is that.  

3. Read 11-14.  I have heard this passage so many times with the implication that we need to be eating meat, or that our pastors need to be presenting meat, deep biblical study, not just love and grace.   Yet I'm not sure that is at all what is said here.  It is not the food -  it is about us individually growing up!  It is about us teaching and not staying babies.   Here it says we should be teaching and growing.  See the emphasis is on the growth not the food.  In fact you must mature to the point you can take and digest real food.  It is not about what ministers should be doing, it is about what WE should be doing!!!!! 

Andrew our son is in PT school.  He mentioned how he plans to work as a TA next year because if he helps teach he will learn anatomy so much better.  Teaching will strengthen his mind.  Just the same teaching the love of God, sharing our testimony will grow us.  That is key!!!!  The solid meat the solid food will not help us if we fail to grow and mature.  It is the maturity that allows us to digest the meat not the meat that transforms us.  It is the sharing of Christ that grows us!!!!

Challenge  for this week:  Share Jesus, and pay attention to His ways.  How is God leading in your life?  How are you growing?  
