Who Am I? The Gospel According to Matthew

The Gospel According to Matthew

John the Baptist Beheaded not exactly the topic  you get so excited about you want to share it on the street, or even with a friend.  It is a dark story.  A story that if fictional, and told on TV I wouldn't want to watch or let my children watch.  This is a story that surprised hasn't been picked up by some large hollywood production company.  It is that kind of story after all.  However, this story is here for a purpose.  It is here for us to learn something from it.  To better understand our Savior.  So let's see where this takes us.  

Question of the day:  What is your favorite song? 

This past week Chris and I took a Sabbath to rest together at home.  It was so healing and wonderful.  We asked this question.  What is your favorite song?  We spent all day answering it.  So this morning I want to know... 

What is your favorite song? Why?

READ: Matthew 14: 1-12

John the Baptist Beheaded

14 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus, and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”
Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.” Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet.
On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted 10 and had John beheaded in the prison. 11 His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. 12 John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus.
Let's look at this by each character.  We will start with HEROD:
You could say that Herod had it all.  His day to day life was pretty good.  Comfortable for sure.  Good food, beautiful women, he got what he wanted. 
Was he a happy man?
Did he struggle? 

"Herod's sin was ever before him. He was constantly seeking to find relief from the accusings of a guilty conscience. His confidence in John was unshaken. As he recalled his life of self-denial, his solemn, earnest appeals, his sound judgment in counsel, and then remembered how he had come to his death, Herod could find no rest. Engaged in the affairs of the state, receiving honors from men, he bore a smiling face and dignified mien, while he concealed an anxious heart, ever oppressed with the fear that a curse was upon him." Desire of Ages p. 223

How many times do we use our comforts to cover up our pain, or our sin? Maybe our feelings of inadequacy? 
Herod didn't want to behead John, what got him in trouble?
There are several steps that got him here.... 
1. Lust and desire
2. Showing off?
3. "his oath and his dinner guests."  
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you do one thing you know you shouldn't and then things just start snowballing.  

When did we last here about John the Baptist?
Why was John in prison?
Why did John have to die? Why wasn't he saved?
"To many minds a deep mystery surrounds the fate of John the Baptist. They question why he should have been left to languish and die in prison. The mystery of this dark providence our human vision cannot penetrate; but it can never shake our confidence in God when we remember that John was but a sharer in the sufferings of Christ. All who follow Christ will wear the crown of sacrifice. They will surely be misunderstood by selfish men, and will be made a mark for the fierce assaults of Satan. It is this principle of self-sacrifice that his kingdom is established to destroy, and he will war against it wherever manifested." Desire of Ages, p. 223
It is imperative we remember, a battle is being fought!  Satan doesn't want you or I to share Christ. Satan doesn't want us to live a life that represents the healing power of Jesus.  
Too many times we ask the question why.  
Why cancer, why abuse, why rejection, why death, why why why why? 
SATAN. A battle! 
I have never personally witnessed a battle.  I have never seen men in uniform fighting.  I have seen it in movies, and on the news, and when those parts come across the screen I usually close my eyes.  I may have not seen it, however I know that battle never happens without terrible things happening to both sides.  Battle doesn't happen without generations of hurt.  We are are affected by this battle. 
"Satan was permitted to cut short the earthly life of God's messenger; but that life which "is hid with Christ in God," the destroyer could not reach. Col. 3:3. He exulted that he had brought sorrow upon Christ, but he had failed of conquering John. Death itself only placed him forever beyond the power of temptation. In this warfare, Satan was revealing his own character. Before the witnessing universe he made manifest his enmity toward God and man.
Though no miraculous deliverance was granted John, he was not forsaken. He had always the companionship of heavenly angels, who opened to him the prophecies concerning Christ, and the precious promises of Scripture. These were his stay, as they were to be the stay of God's people through the coming ages. To John the Baptist, as to those that came after him, was given the assurance, "Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end." Matt. 28:20, R. V., margin.
God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him. Not Enoch, who was translated to heaven, not Elijah, who ascended in a chariot of fire, was greater or more honored than John the Baptist, who perished alone in the dungeon. "Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake." Phil. 1:29. And of all the gifts that Heaven can bestow upon men, fellowship with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the highest honor." Desire of Ages p. 223, 224

Fellowship with Christ in His sufferings most weighty trust and the highest honor.
Fellowship with Christ in His sufferings most weighty trust and the highest honor.
When we are breaking... what about repeating this?  or memorizing Phil. 1:29 "Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake" 
What does it mean to suffer for His sake?
Is this passage only for those who are burned at the stake or beheaded in the dungeon? 
It is also:
To serve without grumbling.
To battle cancer.
To survive abuse.
To struggle in your marriage.
To work hard six days.
To sacrifice for your children
To suffer as they turn their hearts from Christ.
To be misunderstood.
What would you ad? What is your.... To....
We are all in this sinful world and we can't get around that. You will suffer in this battle no matter the side you are on.... 
Do you want to be suffering while in fellowship with Christ?
Do you want to be suffering with SATAN?

I can remember as a child hearing the stories of believers who were burned for their faith.  Burned at the stake and yet they sang. They sang hymns to Jesus.  Those stories impressed my very young heart and I remember lying in bed and wondering, would I be able to sing? What would I sing? I want to be able to sing.  

It is not just about those big moments of fire and dungeons that test us.  
Am I singing today?
Do I go through life with my focus on the flames or on the song?

My dear friend Lynn Ortel once told me that she has a song picked out for difficult moments.  She shared this with me when I was a struggling young mother just trying to get through the day.  She said that she has a song picked out and ready to go.  Then when she finds herself getting too frustrated, or the kids too frustrated, or angry etc.  She sings her song.  When she would find herself focusing on the "flames" she would just break into song.  If she was alone, or in the car, or at home with the kids, she would sing out loud.  If in public or during a sermon, she could just sing in her head.  

I picked a song then, and songs have changed over the years.  However I always have a song ready.  

We have the privilege of being in this battle with Jesus, on the right side, with our Savior.  We already know the out come!  We already know that He has won.  However that doesn't mean we are unaffected. Are we going to find our song?  Are we going to stop the questioning and know that no matter our flames or dungeon, it is nothing when we are with him.  We can sing at the top of our lungs and praise His name.  We can live a life like John, a life proclaiming Jesus is Lord. If we die, that is nothing more than a little nap. And soon very soon we can be with our Lord. 

Who am I?
I am a warrior princess. Armed with a song. What makes my song so powerful isn't the tune or the words, but the relationship.  Because of my relationship with my Savior, because of what He has already done, I can go through this battle, I can experience flames and dungeons or worse, but through it all I can sing! 
