A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Good morning class and Happy Thanksgiving
This morning we are going to study a chapter in Psalms. The theme, Thanksgiving.
Question of the day: What is one of your favorite Thanksgiving memories?
READ: Psalm 138
A Prayer of Thanksgiving[a]
138 I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;
I sing praise to you before the gods.
2 I face your holy Temple,
bow down, and praise your name
because of your constant love and faithfulness,
because you have shown that your name and your commands are supreme.[b]
3 You answered me when I called to you;
with your strength you strengthened me.
I sing praise to you before the gods.
2 I face your holy Temple,
bow down, and praise your name
because of your constant love and faithfulness,
because you have shown that your name and your commands are supreme.[b]
3 You answered me when I called to you;
with your strength you strengthened me.
4 All the kings in the world will praise you, Lord,
because they have heard your promises.
5 They will sing about what you have done
and about your great glory.
6 Even though you are so high above,
you care for the lowly,
and the proud cannot hide from you.
because they have heard your promises.
5 They will sing about what you have done
and about your great glory.
6 Even though you are so high above,
you care for the lowly,
and the proud cannot hide from you.
7 When I am surrounded by troubles,
you keep me safe.
You oppose my angry enemies
and save me by your power.
8 You will do everything you have promised;
Lord, your love is eternal.
Complete the work that you have begun.
you keep me safe.
You oppose my angry enemies
and save me by your power.
8 You will do everything you have promised;
Lord, your love is eternal.
Complete the work that you have begun.
What is the Psalmist saying in verse one?
To praise God before the gods. What does that mean?
How can we do this?
Maybe a better question is how do we NOT praise God before the gods?
I saw some videos yesterday of black Friday shoppers going crazy for the deal. Now I am not dishing the idea of going out and shopping and seeking out the best deal.... However... these shoppers lost all sense of decency. I couldn't help but ask the question, what is so important?
So I may not be clamoring for the deal, but in what ways do I NOT praise God before the gods?
In verse 3, "you answered me."
Another question of the day: When have you gotten a clear answer from God? Can you share with us?
So many times we wonder about God's answer to our prayers. We are constantly wondering about His will for our lives, His guidance, His answer. I don't think it is a mysterious as we make it out to be. If God is telling us something, He will make it clear!
If we are willing to hear, wanting to hear, He will tell us, IF WE NEED TO KNOW!
"With your strength you strengthen me."
Do you feel His strength, strengthening you?
How does He do this?
How can we tap into His strength?
"All the Kings will praise you, because they have heard your promises."
How have they heard His promises?
"Even though you are high above you care for the lowly."
What does this say about our God?
As His followers what does this say about who we should be?
"The proud cannot hide from you."
What does this mean?
Pride is often a mask for what?
The other day, my husband looked at me with a knowing look after I had said something. The look was clear. Regardless of the words coming out of my mouth he KNEW what I was really saying or what my heart was REALLY asking for.
This is what I believe he is saying. God sees through the prideful and knows their heart. Knows what they are really asking for.
I am so THANKFUL that I serve a God who KNOWS me!
"I am surrounded by trouble, you keep me safe."
This Psalm ends with, "Complete the work you have begun."
As we celebrate this holiday season, let's keep thankfulness in our hearts and the foundation of all our celebrations. May HE be before all gods, throughout the season and always!
Happy Sabbath!
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