Ephesians - Overview


Good morning class.  This morning we are having an abbreviated class because we have a special event following class today in the sanctuary.  

Question of the day:  What person in your life has had the most impact on your personal relationship with Christ? How and or why?

This morning I want us to take a moment and review some of what we have touched on so far in Ephesians.  

To help us do that I want you to watch a short video. 


This video reminds us that we are to experience the power of the gospel. What does having the "power of the gospel" look like? What does that mean?

When studying the bible a book at a time it is important to look at each book in context of the entire bible.  Nothing completely stands alone and in each book it is important to understand the entire message and not take texts out without understanding the context.  How does this video support that thought?  

One of the most powerful messages here from the entire book is that the Gospel must be and always is the foundation of our belief, our relationship and all that we ever attempt to do for Him.  The gospel brings everything else into it's proper place.  Why is that so important to remember? 

